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31 Jan


Employee spotlight | Megan, care assistant

13 Jun


Employee spotlight | Megan, care assistant

Megan Williams

At Ashberry Healthcare’s Broomy Hill nursing home , we celebrate team members like Megan who not only embody dedication but also bring innovation that profoundly impacts the lives of our residents. Megan, having joined Ashberry two years ago as a Care Assistant at 18, has demonstrated exceptional commitment and growth within the organisation, evolving into the role of Team Leader.

Last year, Megan’s journey reached a milestone when she completed her CHAP’s training, showcasing her continuous pursuit of excellence in serving our residents at Broomy Hill. She is currently enrolled on a Foundation Degree in Health and Social Care at Herefordshire College, in partnership with Worcester University.

Reminiscence Therapy:

One of Megan’s standout contributions is her pioneering project involving ‘Audio Photo Albums,’ a concept presented in detail during a recent presentation to the Ashberry team. Megan’s initiative stems from the principles of Reminiscence Therapy, a deliberate effort to recall past events and experiences to find fulfilment and satisfaction.

Reminiscence therapy, as outlined by Megan, employs sensory stimulation through sound, movement, dance, smell, vibration, and food to trigger strong memories. It promotes healthy discussions between family, staff, and service users, creating an environment of shared experiences.

The ‘Audible Photo Albums’ represent a unique approach to this therapy. As Megan explained, sound brings time from the past back into the present. Each picture in these albums is accompanied by a soundtrack, creating a multisensory experience. This innovative tool prompts stories and initiates beautiful conversations, fostering connections and meaningful interactions.

Megan shared the success of this therapy through Heather, the first service user to receive an Audible photo album from her family. The joy Heather experiences is not limited to her alone; staff members, too, participate in the shared joy by engaging with the pictures.

Understanding the importance of staff involvement, Megan outlined expectations for her colleagues. Staff members are encouraged to know when to use the books, understand the purpose of reminiscence therapy, and ensure the safekeeping of the books by returning them to the owners’ rooms after use. Furthermore, Megan encourages staff to actively create discussions with families, promoting the benefits of this innovative tool.

Megan’s visionary approach to enhancing the lives of our residents with ‘Audio Photo Albums’ reflects her deep commitment and creativity. Her project exemplifies the values of Ashberry Healthcare, where team members like Megan contribute not just as employees but as compassionate leaders who bring positive transformations to Broomy Hill and beyond. We are privileged to have Megan as a crucial part of our team, enriching the lives of our residents through her passion and innovation.

Need a hand finding the right care home?

At Ashberry Care Homes, we look after your loved ones with care focused on dignity, sensitivity and independence.

We understand the concerns that people have when choosing a care home either for themselves or for a loved one. In our care, residents and their families are at the heart of everything we do and are always treated with respect and consideration.

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