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11 Jul


Employee spotlight | Ivy, wellbeing coordinator

11 Jul


Employee spotlight | Ivy, wellbeing coordinator

Meet Ivy, Our Wellbeing Coordinator

At Blaenos House Nursing Home in Wales, Ivy is a beacon of joy and vitality. For eight years, she has been making a difference in the lives of our residents, transforming ordinary days into memorable experiences. Here’s a glimpse into her journey and what drives her passion for her role.

Journey to Wellbeing Coordinator

Ivy’s journey at Blaenos House began in housekeeping, where she spent her first four years. When the manager noticed her bubbly character and knack for making people laugh, Ivy was asked to consider the role of Activities Coordinator. Initially hesitant, Ivy eventually embraced the role out of a desire to bring more joy to the residents.

Since then, Ivy has never looked back. Her infectious enthusiasm and creativity have brought countless smiles to our residents' faces. Whether it’s dressing up in a Pokémon outfit or organising daily quizzes, Ivy knows how to engage and entertain.

Making Laughter the Best Medicine

For Ivy, the most rewarding part of her job is making residents laugh. She shares, “If I can make them laugh by doing something stupid like dressing up, I’ll do it. It’s all about engaging with them and getting to know their different personalities.” Ivy’s approach is deeply personal; she builds strong relationships with each resident, understanding their unique preferences and histories.

Beyond the Residents: Connecting with Families

Ivy’s impact extends beyond the residents to their families as well. “We’re not just here for the residents; we’re here for the families too,” she says. Ivy makes a point to connect with families, especially those who live far away or have other commitments. She ensures they stay informed and feel included, easing their worries and guilt about not being able to visit often.

Her dedication continues even after residents have passed away. Ivy maintains friendships with their families, meeting up regularly for tea and coffee. “We don’t just forget about them because somebody’s passed away. It’s more than just a job,” she emphasises.

A Wealth of Experience

Before joining Blaenos House, Ivy spent 15 years leading a local preschool and another 20 running her own childcare business. Her background in working with children, combined with her local roots and ability to speak Welsh, enriches her interactions with our residents, many of whom are also Welsh speakers. Ivy incorporates bilingual activities and cultural elements, making everyone feel at home.

Balancing Work and Life

Outside of work, Ivy is a devoted grandmother, often babysitting her four grandchildren while her daughter, who works at another care home in Llanelli, takes on night shifts. Despite her busy schedule, Ivy finds joy in her family and brings the same nurturing spirit to her role at the nursing home.

Tailoring Activities for All

Ivy recognises the diverse needs and interests of our residents. From quizzes and singing to daily exercises and outings, she offers a variety of activities to ensure everyone can participate in something they enjoy.

Advice for Aspiring Wellbeing Coordinators

Ivy’s advice for those considering a career in this field is simple: “Just go with the flow. Be outgoing and don’t be afraid to make someone laugh.” Her partnership with colleagues, like her sidekick Dawn in the kitchen, adds to the fun atmosphere they create together. “We’ll come into work one day in blow-up sumo wrestler outfits if it makes the residents laugh,” she says with a smile.

Thank You, Ivy!

We are incredibly fortunate to have Ivy as our Wellbeing Coordinator at Blaenos House Nursing Home. Her dedication, creativity, and heartfelt care make a profound difference in the lives of our residents and their families. Thank you, Ivy, for all that you do!

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We understand the concerns that people have when choosing a care home either for themselves or for a loved one. In our care, residents and their families are at the heart of everything we do and are always treated with respect and consideration.

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